Jimmy Kimmel Gives a Sly Thumbs-Down to Circumcision

Meatal stenosis is the side effect of keratinization, which will also occur if you vigorously clean the genitals.

The Intact America Blog

jimmy kimmelIn recent days, celebrity news has been aflutter with talk that Jimmy Kimmel “had surgery on his penis … twice!”  Though we don’t know exactly when, it appears that as an adult Kimmel underwent two “horrible” operations to reopen his urethra when “it just kind of closed up on its own.”

What nobody’s saying is that Jimmy almost certainly experienced not two but three horrible penis surgeries. And the first one – his circumcision – was responsible for the other two.

Meatal stenosis, the narrowing of the penis’s opening, is one of the most common complications of circumcision. It can occur years or even decades later, because cutting off the foreskin disrupts the normal blood flow in the penis, causing it to atrophy and scar over time.Do we think that a well-informed guy like Kimmel didn’t do some research on what caused his ailment? If you Google “meatal stenosis,”…

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